
Last Thursday, May 6th, was the National Day of Prayer, as designated by the US Congress, when people are asked to “turn to God in prayer and meditation”.  The law formalizing its annual observance was enacted in 1952, but has been challenged in court and a federal judge in Wisconsin has recently declared the prayer day unconstitutional.
The Pentagon had invited a private national evangelical group, the National Day of Prayer Task Force, of which (Franklin) Graham is 2010 honorary chairman, to lead an official prayer service there. The prayers are for the U.S. military; Graham’s son is on his fourth tour in Afghanistan.

Franklin Graham - "my God is better than yours!"

Meanwhile Graham, in an interview to the USA Today, was busy deriding other religions, as he was reiterating his belief that “Muslims do not worship the same ‘God the Father’ I worship.” While he was at it, he laughed at Hinduism’s many manifestations of God: “No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation.
Graham of course wasn’t going to let a bunch of secular infidels outshine the prominence of a man-made “Prayer day” that he felt had to exclusively be given to his God.  So, he held his own “vigil” at the Pentagon parking lot.  After all, someone had to be there on the sacred Prayer day of May 6th to stand up for God.. his God..

Kathleen Parker - 2010 Pulitzer Prize Winner

Kathleen Parker’s nationally syndicated opinion column features in Washington Post and I really enjoy reading it.  She also just recently won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for her work.  Here are some snippets from her latest column on this incident..

As the politics of God, religion, state and its people rages on, and the presidents and their men do their funny tight rope walk between secularism and evangelic Christian populism in America, I am more outraged at government’s half-ass attempt at forcing spirituality on their citizens.  I was pissed that not only was I completely unaware that May 6th was the National Day of Prayer, but I was also working my rear end off until very late on that night.   Beyond just formalizing this day as a National Prayer Day, why couldn’t the law extend it a bit further and make it a National Holiday?  How can Columbus Day be a federal holiday and the Prayer Day not?  Doesn’t God deserve better than the guy who leaves many Americans wondering whether to be worshiped as a hero or denounced as a murderer? I think He deserves more than that, perhaps two days off, sort of like Thanksgiving.  Besides, Franklin Graham can focus on his exclusive eternal salvation on day 1 and channel his energies on day 2 at mocking others who might try to find peace in praying to the Allah or the Buddha or that God with 100 hands that I grew up praying to.  Plus, I need to catch up on several episodes of Californication that I missed what with being overworked and all.